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Blobby Log Day 44

As written by Professor Fliggins in Chapter 1: Hotdog Kingdom > Vol. 1

Timestamp: Morning; Day 44
Weather: So steamy, my plumpy flesh beads with mouth-watering moisture!
Landscape: Delicious Prison!


I have spent the night in my little cell and I am still on Discovery Overload!

Sometimes I hear them whisper about me.  HELLO!  Hello, whispers!  Shpspshsspppshshshhs.  That is what it sounds like when they whisper about me…

Sppspspsshhs spshspshssshp Crazy shspshshpshpshs Moustache spshpshsppshspshshsthhh.

That is what it sounds like.

Current Mood: SpshspthtshspsssIamnotcrazyyet!spshspshh
Discoveries Made: The dust here is New Dust!