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Blobby Log Owners Manual

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Blobby Log Day 60

As written by Professor Fliggins in Chapter 2: Bean Village > Vol. 1

Timestamp: Evening; Day 60
Weather: Fat! This is being chubby weather!
Landscape: My crib is being a barn, sons and daugthers!


Okay, it is an agreement then.

Now that I have figured out that you have been pouting and not typing my log entries we have an arrangement, Blobby:  I will take you with me to my next assignment from Bonzo, but you have to promise not to embarrass me in front of my new friends!

Blobby: Deal!

PF: Quiet, Blobby!  Ugh!  Check yourself.  Ok, I must practice my new voices.  *Ahem*  Yo yo yo yo yo!  Yo yooyooyoo!  YOYOyoyoYOyOyOYO!  Oh!  Hey, Bonzo!

Bonzo: Hey.

PF: What is up, Gree!


PF: Sid, my dog!

Sid: Yo, P. Flig!  What’s crack-a-lackin’?

PF: Uh… Yes yes!  You are my dog, Sid.  You are my best pet dog…

Bonzo: P. Flig, we got an excellent assignment for you.

PF: Well, that IS what is UP!  Sock it to me, Jackson!

Bonzo: All right.  We want you to… deliver a gift.  To the mayor.

PF: The mayor?  Oh ho, you boys ARE important.  And now I am important because YOU are talking to ME!  What gift shall I be delivering?  Governmental documents?  Fancy hats?

Bonzo: Eggs.

Sid: Through the air, sucka!

PF: A gift of airborne eggs!  Marvelous!  Do not be jealous, Blobby!  I am basically the president of hipness! Let us be delivering!

Current Mood: Words, my son! Words up!
Discoveries Made: I am slowly Discovering the Balance betwixt that which is being wack and that which is being dope.

Hereinto referenced: