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Blobby Log Owners Manual

Tagged: Pink Ninja
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Blobby Log Day 87 (part two)

As written by Professor Fliggins in Chapter 5: Ninjatown > Vol. 1

Timestamp: Afternoon; Day 87
Weather: Better above the Dark Forest than in it.
Landscape: Dark Leaves, Dark Leaves.


Pink Ninja: Wow, I gotta hand it to that Flying Devil, these detachable wings sure are speedy!  Way faster than our levitating Bubble Gum attacks…

Blobby: Yeah, and we need to be fast, PF’s been infected with that Dark Syrup for a while now.  He’s probably havin’ all kinds of freaky nightmares.

Pink Ninja: He’s infected with Dark Syrup!  Oh no!

Blobby: What’s wrong with that?  I mean, didn’t you Ninjas invent a Dark Syrup antidote?  We used it on Roy, and he’s good as new!

Roy: Mostly!

Pink Ninja: Well the antidote only works before the Syrup has had a chance to set in one’s mind for good.  After ten days, they’re usually goners!

Blobby: Goners?!

Pink Ninja: Has it been ten days yet?

Blobby: I dunno!  Oh no!

Roy: Oh no!

Moustachia: Waaaa-aa-aaa!

Pink Ninja: Well let’s hurry, hope isn’t lost yet!

* W O O O O O O O O S H H H ! ! ! *

Current Mood: Newly Anxious!
Discoveries Made: The limits of Dark Syrup Antidote!

Hereinto referenced: ¤

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Blobby Log Day 86

As written by Blobby in Chapter 5: Ninjatown > Vol. 1

Timestamp: ...; Day 86
Weather: Sunshine - I can see it!
Landscape: Trees rushing by.


Blobby: Go go go go go go go go GO GO GO GO GO!!!

Moustachia: We’w huwwying as fast as we can!

Huwwy faster!  Those Flying Devils are gaining on us!

Roy: You could help, buddy.

Blobby: There’s no time to help, RUN!

Flying Devil: We’ll teach yous guys to steals our antidotes!

Blobby: Yikes.  So they found that out…

Flying Devil: Yous is lucky there’s so many trees in our ways, else we’ds be chewin’ yer faces alreadys!

Blobby: Chew your own face!

Roy: Blobert, don’t taunt the vicious flying demons!

Blobby: You’re not my dad!

Moustachia: Oh no, a cweawing!  We’w doomed!

Blobby: No where to hide!  Ruh-roh!

Flying Devil: Yeahs!  No wheres indeeds!

Blobby: Well all right.  Certain peril.  Okay.  Let’s do this…

?: What the heck is this?  Why are these uggos chasing this log?

Blobby: Whassat? Photopainting_86

Flying Devil: Oh cripe!  Ninjas, of the levitatin’ Pink variety!

Pink Ninja: That’s right!  And I don’t know what this scurrying piece of wood did to you, but I’m sure it’s harmless.

Flying Devil: Nuh-uhs – they stoles the Dark Syrup antidotes what we stoles rightfully from yous!

Pink Ninja: You stole antidote from us?  That’s it!  C’mon, girls, let’s pummel them into Devil-paste!

Flying Devil: Aw, nertz…

*SMASH – BOOM –CRASH – slapslapslap – FOOM – FACE BREAK – Ka-BLAMMY!*

(Blobby ed. Note – it is very difficult to typographically capture just how much Devil-butt these Pink Ninjas are kicking.)


Devils: Let’s gets outta here!  Yeah!  My face and body hurt!

Flying Devil: Yous cowards!  Gets back here!

Pink Ninja: All right – surround this lead Devil, Ladies!  We’re takin’ him into Ninja-custody!

Flying Devil: Super nertz!

Blobby: Oh thank you so much, Pink Ninjas!  We’re so lucky you Discovered us…  Oh hey – DISCOVERY!!!

Limited Edition Plush Discovery 5

Current Mood: Pink Saved!
Discoveries Made: Pink Ninja!!!

Hereinto referenced: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤